Wednesday 31 July 2019

Term 2 Wrap Up

Robbie here, I am going to wrap up term 2. First our inquiry topic was retro tech. We all picked a box ours was a pole with a yellow hand. We wrote about are object in are buzz groups (there is the photos) are trips were
. E-village
.E.C.M.O.T(East Coast Museum Of Technology)
.Tairawhiti Museum.
We shared all are retro tech in the hall. In my buzz group was: Bjorn, Nellie, Miriam, Sam and me.
At the last week of term 2 we did a matariki week, we had to create  at least four of the matariki activists.


Hi Robbie here, I'm going to tell you about my science experiment. First we had to add salt, water and food coloring into a balloon then put it into the freezer. The next day we opened the balloon and put the ice in a container. Then we saw if the melting ice affected the water level, it didn't. We learnt that the water level stays the same when ice caps melt.

 Are first activity was were we sorted the Atmosphere, Biosphere, Geosphere and Hydrosphere. Next we sorted it into Jenga blocks and started playing. We learnt in this activity that when you take a sphere away from the earth it will affect the other spheres making the earth unstable.

 In this activity we got a inflatable globe and chucked it back and forth between a buddy and put a mark on were a thumb landed. We learnt in this activity that there is more water then land on the earth, 70% water 30% land.