Thursday 5 December 2019

Wrapping up Term 4!!

Hi Robbie here
since its one week to go
, I'm going to tell you about
my three favourite things from this term.

The first thing I'd like to tell you about is Athletics day. In the first sprint race I came 3 but didn't make it into the finals, a bit disappointing. In high jump I didn't stand a chance or I got out around the few people coming in last. In long jump I came fifth although I thought I could do better. In ball throw I came 4th although I hope I could make it the third place but yes I didn't.

The second
I'd like
to tell you
about this ad Just Dance and Furniture
Olympics. For
our culture City
enquiry we've been doing Just Dance, as I dance section. We've
been going through different cultures and dancing to their songs.
We have also been doing Furniture Olympics. Furniture
Olympics is where the teacher tells you object and then
the group you want to try and make the thing.

The third thing I want to tell you about is the Turanganui (Kapa Kaka) Festival (the songs we performed and how it went is in the blog post I published earlier this term) I am in the second row 2 from the side. I think we performed well their. 

That is wrapping up the term . I really enjoyed term 4 and the rest of the year basically 

Furniture olympics

Kapa Haka 2019

Just Dance
Athletics Day 

Thursday 21 November 2019

Turanganui Maori Culture Show!

 Claps and cheers as Hunter started to sing tu mai ra. The nui syndicate were at The Turanganui Maori Culture show and were performing our kapa haka bracket. We did our haka part. Whakpuri Hunter called and the boys went to the back and then came together and sang Haramai a Paoa.

After Ka pioioi e  and Puri a Nei (the girls poi) we then did Utaina and the boys moved forward to do the haka. Kamu!... He! we said. Taringa Whakarongo titiro  mai ki aue,  He au au aue ha he!
We did thar haka and Hunter shouted, ringa pakia!... Wai wai takahia!... aaa Ka mate ka mate ka ora ka ora. We then moved in to Wainui e.  Aue te aroha! aue te aroha te mamae e ahai e. Then the boys chanted, Ru ana te whenua whatiwhati HI!

After He honore (the song for leaving the stage). I thought we did really well and the singing was awesome. Throughout the performance I think the songs were good. Over all we did perfect. Maybe not perfect, but amazing!!

The Haka (Utaina/Boys coming to the front)

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Marae Visit

On Thursday-Friday the Nui syndicate went to the marae for a night. When we got there in the morning, we were welcomed onto the marae and went inside the wharenui. After that we went and did some rotations (activities). Then we had lunch, and made our beds. After that we had dinner and went to bed in the wharenui. It took us ages to get to sleep because people were talking and making noises. In there it felt cold and tight because every one was in there.

The next morning I woke up and we went for a run then had breakfast And continued with are rotations. Wai came next and my group walked up Kati hill then we came back and packed up then went home.

Thursday 22 August 2019

Writing Group

Hi, Robbie here. Yesterday my writing group did a workshop about sentence starters. We did this so we could get better at starting sentences in a better way. We went on to the doc, where we wrote sentence starters then checked them off.  Below are our sentences.  What do you think

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Country Cross

Hi, Robbie here, I am here to tell you about my cross country run today and this was a different run because it was there all thing. We did it down at the pines. Cross country is were we have to race across land.
I made my way to the starting line. I felt really nervous doing it. " ON YOUR MARKS, SET"...   Slam! the race was off.

We had to run down the hill to the road, were we came to a turn and went up a slope. I ran past the cheering crowd. Next I ran up the sand hill and to the ditch. After a ran through the ditch I went back to the path. Then I ran to the finish line then did it again.

Finally I came to the finish line (again), I think I came 7 OR 6. I gave my mum a hi five and went back to sit down.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Enlightening Science

Hi I'm Robbie, back on my blog.

This week we are doing Enlightening me for our House of Science box. The learning we did was about how light reflects off mirrors. A mirror is something that reflects light. Reflections of a mirror is when light hits it. When you put mirrors together on an angle the image comes to more then less. When you put mirrors in a parallel lines the light bounces causing the Reflections to be infinite.  We got 2 big mirrors and we reflected a object, it came up over and over again.Our next task was were we got 2 big mirrors (Concave and Convex) Concave, in words makes the image increase, the Convex makes the image decrease. We had to find out which was which.

Five Facts on Light

  1. Two scientist had an argument about what light was made of.
  2. Light bends around corners
  3. When light hits a prism it turns into the color of the rainbow
  4.  Light is a white beam
  5. No one has agreed what light is yet!
I believe light is energy. I liked learning about light.

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Term 2 Wrap Up

Robbie here, I am going to wrap up term 2. First our inquiry topic was retro tech. We all picked a box ours was a pole with a yellow hand. We wrote about are object in are buzz groups (there is the photos) are trips were
. E-village
.E.C.M.O.T(East Coast Museum Of Technology)
.Tairawhiti Museum.
We shared all are retro tech in the hall. In my buzz group was: Bjorn, Nellie, Miriam, Sam and me.
At the last week of term 2 we did a matariki week, we had to create  at least four of the matariki activists.


Hi Robbie here, I'm going to tell you about my science experiment. First we had to add salt, water and food coloring into a balloon then put it into the freezer. The next day we opened the balloon and put the ice in a container. Then we saw if the melting ice affected the water level, it didn't. We learnt that the water level stays the same when ice caps melt.

 Are first activity was were we sorted the Atmosphere, Biosphere, Geosphere and Hydrosphere. Next we sorted it into Jenga blocks and started playing. We learnt in this activity that when you take a sphere away from the earth it will affect the other spheres making the earth unstable.

 In this activity we got a inflatable globe and chucked it back and forth between a buddy and put a mark on were a thumb landed. We learnt in this activity that there is more water then land on the earth, 70% water 30% land.

Thursday 20 June 2019

Winter & Summer Solstice

Hi, Robbie here I am going to tell you about my 2nd Quickwrite.  So our Quick Writes were about the winter solstice (if your in the northern hemisphere it will be summer solstice). My favorite thing was trying to map out were the places were.  We were doing this because are solstice is on Friday 21 June!

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Basic Facts

Hi Robbie here to tell you about my basic facts priority. So every week I have to to basic facts, my favorite part is the Time Tables. The part I find hard is the key skills, the easy part is the Mental Strategies. I set myself a challenge to only highlight one of my Key Skills 

Here is a photo of my basic facts.

Tuesday 4 June 2019


Hi Robbie here I'm here to tell you 'bout my screencastify. In our workshop we had to show that we could calculate are activities that we do. Here is my screencastify.

Monday 27 May 2019


Hi Robbie here to tell you about my Reading workshop work. So firstly we had to find out what homophones were. then  We wrote some homophones like hair, here, hare and hear and by, buy and bye . My favorite part was when I found out what homophones were. Here is a picture of my homophones work.

Monday 20 May 2019

E-Village Trip

Hello Robbie here to tell you about our class trip to the Gisborne E-village. I had a good time. my favorite part was learning about E-scooters. other then that we learned about electric cars, how people get energy, robots, E-bikes and a new way of technology.

                                                                                               Here is an Electric farm bike

Here are  Photos!`

Here is as at a photo of the first Electric car

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Human Calculator

Hi, In this video below I have talked about how to add numbers to 100 (being a human calculator) I liked learning about numbers. I found it hard at start then it got easy.  I did this learning in my EL3 maths group with Koka Terri.

Friday 5 April 2019

Kiwi Kids News

Hi this week I have done kiwi kids news work. I like it because I get to do recall and thinking questions. I also get to read lots of news. My article was about the world going dark. I do kiwi kids every 3 weeks.

Here I have put down the link to kiwi kids news and I have put down my work like my, doc with recall and thinking questions.     Kiwi Kids News link 


Friday 29 March 2019


Hi, I couldn't think of a blog post so I chose Quick writes. I like Quick writes because They are about cool stuff like cats & tigers and also they have a theme every week. My Favorite was writing a legend. I do Quick Writes every week. Here's what I wrote about

                                                       Here's my example

Thursday 21 March 2019


Hi Robbie here again. On Monday we made reflection slides to show the cool week we had because the year 6s was at camp and I wasn't at school. I had a cut tendon .  Reflecting slides are reflected work on what I did last week   . Here it is!

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Monument Work


Hi Robbie here. This week I have done some work around the Gisborne monuments.
My group studied Gladstone Rd which is Gisborne's main street.   Here is a slide show!
After that we went on a walk and to the museum. Photos are here!

Friday 8 February 2019

Weeding the Hamanatua Fennel 2019


Smack! went the spade as I hit the fennel.
I dug the mulch out from underneath the tree trunk and out away.
We were helping our native plants.
I did my work with Henry and Rasmus

It was hot work.
I learned that there are a lot of native trees there.
We fixed up 12 trees in 1hour and 30 min.
To help them we pulled the weeds away so they could grow.