Monday 22 June 2020

Just Dance

Hello, I am going to tell you about the time my class did Just Dance in the
hall. Just Dance is an app where you copy the dance moves of the screen.

Right before Morning Tea me and Mako were told to go set up the
projector and the speaker for Just Dance. We went to Morning tea and
played. Then we went to the hall and got into our group four. My group
was (in order) me, Mako, Rasmus and Angus. 

Our first song was Waka Waka. My favourite part was when we did the
human bike. I am the front wheel and the handlebars. Then we finished
the song with us catching Angus and ACCIDENTALLY dropping him. We
started our second song called Rasputin, which (I think) is our class
favourite Just Dance. It is a really fast song and a little bit hard. After
that we moved on to a song with two people called Timber. At the end I
had to give the person beside me a piggyback.

At the end we did Kung-fu Fighting which was with two people. Just saying
I am on the left for all of the dances. We packed up the projector and
went back. When we got to class we moved into steps.

Thursday 11 June 2020

Aurora Ledership

Hello, I am going to tell you the time I was chosen for the Aurora Leadership course.

One Thursday morning me and Oliver were told to come with the teacher and bring our chromebooks.  We were told that we were picked to do a Aurora Leadership course. So we got onto a google meet. We opened up a slide we were sheared with and started working on it.

Firstly we had to introduce ourselves. Secondly we had to customize a google slide which was our Aurora Leadership journal. Then they made us sign up for this app called burn bright and do two ‘modules’. They were called Leadership and Teamwork.  

After that we had to go off and do some other work. I was glad I was picked for the Aurora course.

Thursday 4 June 2020

First Week Back

I am going to tell you about our first day back after lockdown. We got the

announcement that we would be coming back to school and I got a little bit

excited. So on the first day back I packed my bag and headed off to school. It

didn't look different but parents weren't allowed in.

I went to class after the bell rang and went inside. The teacher told us that we

would be doing the same thing as lockdown. We got onto our work and opened

up the grid and looked at the activities on it. They were about our world and my

earth. I started right away and was going good. I started with the scavenger hunt

and the rest of my class did too. We had to go around the room looking for

answers to the questions on our sheet of paper.

There was also just Dance later in the day.  Just  Dance is an app where they play

songs and you have to follow along with the moves on the screen. After that

was Steps which is a website that helps with your spelling and writing. Along

with that is e-ako is a New Zealand place where you can learn all types of math.

We finished the day with a game then we went home.

Over all it actually was a fun first day back at school